
How It Works

Air+ products employ a bipolar ionization process that produces billions of positively and negatively charged ions. These ions are transported to the space through the building’s central ventilation system, resulting in an extremely efficient delivery system. All Air+ needlepoint products are validated to UL2998 – Zero Ozone Emissions.
Ions are everywhere as nature’s way of cleaning air – like crashing waves at a beach, a waterfall, or up in the mountains. Negative ions have an extra electron while positive ions are missing an electron, creating an unstable condition. To become neutral, these ions trade electrons with molecules of common airborne pollutants, effectively neutralizing them.

Bacteria & Viruses

Ions deactivate bacteria and viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 by disrupting pathogen proteins and robbing them of life-sustaining hydrogen.


Ions form an ionic bond with airborne particles, causing them to stick to particles of opposite polarity. This continues until the particle becomes larger and more easily captured by the filter.

Odors & VOCs

Ions interact with chemical, pet, smoking and body odors leaving indoor air odor-free.

Save Money

Since ionization significantly improves indoor air, the requirement to dilute indoor pollutants using outside air intake can be reduced. This reduces HVAC equipment sizes and ongoing energy costs.

What is an ion?</span

Ions are molecules or atoms that are positively or negatively charged and exist in nature. Natural ion densities range from 1,000 to 1,200 positive and negative ions per cubic centimeter (ions/cm3) in pristine natural environments. In large cities and inside buildings, ion levels drop significantly and are often barely detectable. This is due to the ions being neutralized by indoor and outdoor pollutants. The lower the ion density, the worse the air quality. Increasing indoor ion levels improves air quality.
Naturally Occurring Ion Densities

How Coronavirus Spreads Indoors